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Ningbo Instyle Import And Export Co., Ltd.

Kirim pertanyaan
Kunjungi toko
Sangat puas3 ulasan
  • ≤4h
    Rata-rata waktu respons
  • 96.6%
    Tingkat pengiriman tepat waktu
  • US $280,000+
    {0} pesanan
Kustomisasi Minor
Kustomisasi dari Desain
Identifikasi penelusuran bahan mentah
Pemeriksa QA/QC (6)
Lihat semua kapasitas terverifikasi ({capacitiesNum})


Main product
Min. Order: 200 pieces
Easy Return
350 sold
Main product
Min. Order: 500 pieces
Easy Return
350 sold
Main product
Min. Order: 500 pieces
Easy Return
100 sold
Main product
Min. Order: 100 pieces
Easy Return
50 sold
Profil Perusahaan
Unduh laporan
by SGS Group
Tanggal pendaftaran perusahaan2016-04-25
Luas lantai(㎡)170
Bahasa yang diterimaEnglish
Tahun mengekspor8
Tahun di industri8
Kemampuan produksi
Kontrol kualitas
Dukungan Produk ketertelusuran bahan bakuYes
Metode pemeriksaan produkInspection of all products, Random inspection
Pemeriksa QA/QC6
Latar belakang perdagangan
Pasar utamaNorth America(40%), South America(20%), South Asia(15%)
Jenis klien utamaWholesaler, Brand business, Manufacturer
Kemampuan R&D
Opsi kustomisasilight customization, sample processing, graphic processing, customized on demand, light customization, sample processing, graphic processing, customized on demand
Produk baru yang diluncurkan pada tahun lalu10
Staf teknis R&D2
Tingkat pendidikan staf teknis R&D2 juniorCollege
oleh SGS Group
Layanan kustomisasi untuk pesanan dengan MOQ rendah
Lowest min. order: 200 (15-day dispatch)
Covering 3 categories
Including 279 products
Lihat Selengkapnya
Ulasan Perusahaan (3)
5.0 /5
Sangat puas
  • Supplier Layanan
  • Pengiriman tepat waktu
  • Kualitas Produk
The delivery was quite fast. I am very satisfied with the product. The colours are accurate, the material is wonderful to touch and it is cut out with precision. Also very easy to communicate with the company and ask for help if this is your first time.

Tanggapan dari pemasok:

Thanks for your good comments on our products and service. you are so patient and easy going customer and we are also very happy to work with you. hoping to have chance to work with you again : )
24 Sep 2024
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